(float-box: "=X=","==Y====")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[War]
(text-indent:33)+(text-rotate:22)[screaming in the]
(text-rotate:29)[ moved]
(text-rotate:54)[to the front.]
(text-rotate:46)[from the]
(text-rotate:63)[but never from the day.]
<img src="https://moderndiplomacy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/donbass-war.jpg" alt="donbasswar" height="1200" width="1200" />
(float-box: "X","==Y==")[(text-colour:#e9ecef)[This naturally assumes that the burdens are shared equally. (Loud approval) We cannot tolerate a situation in which most people carry the burden of the war, while a small, passive portion attempts to escape its burdens and responsibilities. The measures we have taken, and the ones we will yet take, will be characterized by the spirit of justice. We pay no heed to class or standing. Rich and poor, high and low must share the burdens equally. Everyone must do his duty in this grave hour, whether by choice or otherwise. We know this has the full support of the people. We would rather do too much rather than too little to achieve victory. No war in history has ever been lost because of too many soldiers or weapons. Many, however, have been lost because the opposite was true.
It is time to get the slackers moving. (Stormy agreement) They must be shaken out of their comfortable ease. We cannot wait until they come to their senses. That might be too late. The alarm must sound throughout the nation. Millions of hands must get to work throughout the country. The measures we have taken, and the ones we will now take, and which I shall discuss later in this speech, are critical for our whole public and private life. The individual may have to make great sacrifices, but they are tiny when compared to the sacrifices he would have to make if his refusal brought down on us the greatest national disaster. It is better to operate at the right time than to wait until the disease has taken root. One may not complain to the doctor or sue him for bodily injury. He cuts not to kill, but to save the patient’s life.]]
(float-box: "==X==","Y")
[Again let me say that the heavier the sacrifices the people must make, the more urgent it is that they be fairly shared. The people want it that way. No one resists even the heaviest burdens of war. But it angers people when a few always try to escape the burdens. The government has both the moral and political duty to oppose such attempts, if necessary with draconian penalties. (Agreement) Leniency here would be completely out of place, leading in time to a confusion in the people’s emotions and attitudes that would be a grave danger to our public morale.
We are therefore compelled to adopt a series of measures that are not essential for the war effort in themselves, but seem necessary to maintain moral at home and at the front. The optics of the war, that is, how things outwardly appear, is of decisive importance in this fourth year of war. In view of the superhuman sacrifices that the front makes each day, it has a basic right to expect that no one at home claims the right to ignore the war and its demands. And not only the front demands this, but the overwhelming part of the homeland. The industrious have a right to expect that if they work ten or twelve or fourteen hours a day, a lazy person does not stand next to them who thinks them foolish. The homeland must stay pure and intact in its entirety. Nothing may disturb the picture.]
(float-box: "=X=","==Y==")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[War]
(text-indent:20)+(text-rotate-z:45)[of money and time.]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[in the east]
(text-indent:20)+(text-rotate-z:45)[tanks tanks]
(text-indent:20)+(text-rotate-z:45)[tanks ]
(text-indent:20)+(text-rotate-z:45)[inside tanks flesh blood bones family memories life love ]
(text-indent:100)+(text-rotate-z:11)[outside ]
(text-indent:130)+(text-rotate-z:11)[tanks ]
(text-indent:160)+(text-rotate-z:11)[flesh ]
(text-indent:190)+(text-rotate-z:11)[blood ]
(text-indent:220)+(text-rotate-z:11)[bones ]
(text-indent:250)+(text-rotate-z:11)[family ]
(text-indent:280)+(text-rotate-z:11)[memories ]
(text-indent:310)+(text-rotate-z:11)[life ]
(text-indent:340)+(text-rotate-z:11)[love ]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[You once thought wars could deliver total victory.]
(if:visits is 2)+(text-colour:#d6336c)[[Climbing into bed with a candle to provide some light for the future->war]]
(t8n-time:12s)[[go South->south]]
(float-box: "=X=","==Y==")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[War]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[for the north]
(text-indent:298)[in the cold]
(text-indent:298)[fucking freezing up here]
(text-indent:298)[towards the end of the world where]
(text-rotate:39)+(text-indent:220)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[war comes to us,]]
(text-indent:220)+(text-rotate:-39)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[to us to our house]]
(text-indent:298)[to our children]
(text-indent:298)[and our children's children]
(text-indent:298)[unto the tense generation.]
(text-indent:398)[We don't fight]
(text-indent:298)[but our army will fight.]
(text-indent:398)[Once we paid the Danegeld]
(text-indent:298)[now we stare down the south]
(text-indent:298)[the warm south]
(text-indent:298)[not here]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[the north men.]
(if:visits is 2)+(text-colour:#d6336c)[[Bending time looking to the future->war]]
(t8n-time:12s)[[go East->east]]
(float-box: "=X=","==Y==")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[War]
(text-indent:298)+(text-colour:#d6336c)[The west is the b b b b b
Was bombed, now bombing
Was safe, now sorry.]
(text-indent:20)[We sent more of our children ]
(text-indent:20)[to die in the wars ]
(text-indent:20)+(text-rotate-z:45)[of money and time.]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[You thought wars could deliver total victory.]
(text-indent:298)[We were better safe than sorry.]
(if:visits is 2)+(text-colour:#d6336c)[[Safe in the bosom of a family that hated us->war]]
(t8n-time:12s)[[go North->north]]
(float-box: "=X=","==Y==")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[War]
Look east, they are coming,
our reasons are not needed.
Talk about
teeming hordes: multitudes,]
(text-colour:#d6336c)+(text-rotate-z:12)[will remove us]
(text-indent:298)[from modern mapping.]
(text-indent:298)[Wanting our materials]
(text-indent:298)[not our children,]
(text-indent:298)[to the east.]
(text-indent:398)[We are poor,]
(text-indent:298)[yet rich.]
(text-indent:398)[How does that work?]
(text-rotate-z:13)[Our sons will die in your wars]
(text-indent:298)[our daughters will polish]
(text-indent:200)+(text-rotate-z:24)[your silverware,]
(if:visits is 2)+(text-colour:#d6336c)[[warm in youir beds. In the south. Suffering.->war]]
(t8n-time:12s)[[go West->west]]
ESC for full page
[[Start->start]] to restart
[Go to (link-fullscreen: "War", "(goto:'start')")]
(text-indent:250)[A palimpstext written in Twine]
(text-indent:250)[Ivan Pope, 2022]
(float-box: "=X=","==Y==")+(text-colour:yellow)+(text-size:2)[(t8n-time:12s)[[War->war]]]
(text-indent:330)+(text-rotate:22)[screaming in the]
(text-rotate:290)[ moved]
(text-rotate:540)[to the front.]
(text-rotate:460)[from the]
(text-indent:250)+(text-rotate:630)[but never from the day.]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[for the north]
(text-indent:298)[in the cold]
(text-indent:298)[fucking freezing up here]
(text-indent:298)[towards the end of the world where]
(text-rotate:390)+(text-indent:220)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[war comes to us,]]
(text-indent:220)+(text-rotate:-39)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[to us to our house]]
(text-indent:298)[to our children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:-22)[and our children's children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[unto the tense generation.]
(text-indent:398)[We don't fight]
(text-indent:298)[but our army will fight.]
(text-indent:398)+(text-rotate:42)[Once we paid the Danegeld]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[now we stare down the south]
(text-indent:298)[the warm south]
(text-indent:298)[not here]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:65)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[the north men.]
(text-colour:#d6336c)[The west is the b b b b b
Was bombed, now bombing
Was safe, now sorry.]
(text-indent:200)[We sent more of our children ]
(text-indent:200)[to die in the wars ]
(text-indent:200)+(text-rotate-z:45)[of money and time.]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[You thought wars could deliver total victory.]
(text-indent:298)[We were better safe than sorry.]
Look east, they are coming,
our reasons are not needed.
Talk about
teeming hordes: multitudes,]
(text-colour:#d6336c)+(text-rotate-z:12)[will remove us]
(text-indent:298)[from modern mapping.]
(text-indent:188)+(text-rotate:22)[Wanting our materials]
(text-indent:168)+(text-rotate:22)[not our children,]
(text-indent:598)+(text-rotate:22)[to the east.]
(text-indent:398)[We are poor,]
(text-indent:698)[yet rich.]
(text-indent:398)[How does that work?]
(text-rotate-z:13)[Our sons will die in your wars]
(text-indent:298)[our daughters will polish]
(text-indent:200)+(text-rotate-z:24)[your silverware,]
(text-indent:298)[warm your beds.]
(text-indent:298)[In the south,]
(float-box: "X","==Y==")[(text-colour:#e9ecef)[
(text-indent:330)+(text-rotate:22)[screaming in the]
(text-rotate:290)[ moved]
(text-rotate:540)[to the front.]
(text-rotate:460)[from the]
(text-indent:250)+(text-rotate:630)[but never from the day.]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[for the north]
(text-indent:298)[in the cold]
(text-indent:298)[fucking freezing up here]
(text-indent:298)[towards the end of the world where]
(text-rotate:390)+(text-indent:220)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[war comes to us,]]
(text-indent:220)+(text-rotate:-39)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[to us to our house]]
(text-indent:298)[to our children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:-22)[and our children's children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[unto the tense generation.]
(text-indent:398)[We don't fight]
(text-indent:298)[but our army will fight.]
(text-indent:398)+(text-rotate:42)[Once we paid the Danegeld]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[now we stare down the south]
(text-indent:298)[the warm south]
(text-indent:298)[not here]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:65)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[the north men.]
(text-colour:#d6336c)[The west is the b b b b b
Was bombed, now bombing
Was safe, now sorry.]
(text-indent:200)[We sent more of our children ]
(text-indent:200)[to die in the wars ]
(text-indent:200)+(text-rotate-z:45)[of money and time.]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[You thought wars could deliver total victory.]
(text-indent:298)[We were better safe than sorry.]
Look east, they are coming,
our reasons are not needed.
Talk about
teeming hordes: multitudes,]]]
(float-box: "==X==","Y")
(text-indent:330)+(text-rotate:22)[screaming in the]
(text-rotate:290)[ moved]
(text-rotate:540)[to the front.]
(text-rotate:460)[from the]
(text-indent:250)+(text-rotate:630)[but never from the day.]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[for the north]
(text-indent:298)[in the cold]
(text-indent:298)[fucking freezing up here]
(text-indent:298)[towards the end of the world where]
(text-rotate:390)+(text-indent:220)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[war comes to us,]]
(text-indent:220)+(text-rotate:-39)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[to us to our house]]
(text-indent:298)[to our children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:-22)[and our children's children]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[unto the tense generation.]
(text-indent:398)[We don't fight]
(text-indent:298)[but our army will fight.]
(text-indent:398)+(text-rotate:42)[Once we paid the Danegeld]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:22)[now we stare down the south]
(text-indent:298)[the warm south]
(text-indent:298)[not here]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate:65)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[the north men.]
(text-colour:#d6336c)[The west is the b b b b b
Was bombed, now bombing
Was safe, now sorry.]
(text-indent:200)[We sent more of our children ]
(text-indent:200)[to die in the wars ]
(text-indent:200)+(text-rotate-z:45)[of money and time.]
(text-indent:298)+(text-rotate-z:130)[You thought wars could deliver total victory.]
(text-indent:298)[We were better safe than sorry.]
Look east, they are coming,
our reasons are not needed.
Talk about
teeming hordes: multitudes,]](float-box: "X","==Y==")[<img src="https://moderndiplomacy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/donbass-war.jpg" alt="donbasswar" height="1200" width="1200" />]
(text-indent:100)+(text-rotate:-45)+(float-box: "===X====","Y")[hello, hello, hello <img src="https://moderndiplomacy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/donbass-war.jpg" alt="donbasswar" height="1200" width="1200" />]
(text-indent:100)+(text-rotate:185)+(float-box: "===X====","Y")[hello, hello, hello <img src="https://moderndiplomacy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/donbass-war.jpg" alt="donbasswar" height="1200" width="1200" />]
(text-indent:330)+(text-rotate:22)[screaming in the]
(text-rotate:290)[ moved]
(text-rotate:540)[to the front.]
(text-rotate:460)[from the]
(text-indent:250)+(text-rotate:630)[but never from the day.]
(text-indent:298)[in the north]
(text-indent:298)[for the north]
(text-indent:298)[in the cold]
(text-indent:298)[fucking freezing up here]
(text-indent:298)[towards the end of the world where]
(text-rotate:390)+(text-indent:220)[(text-colour:#ffa8a8)[war comes to us,]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You can't touch me!
(if:visits is 2)+(text-colour:#d6336c)+(mouseover-replace: ?passage)[Aah! That tickles!]